Friday, August 1, 2008

Playing the Building

When Talking Heads lead man started making art, I thought "alright, this could be cool." But, when he came to my undergaraduate art school and gave the longest lecture and slide show ever, with only a few interesting pieces, I was a bit disappointed. Some of the work was also really bad. The cool stuff was his pics of street art and odd sightings. An aesthetic eye but may be missing the heart.

David Byrne has a privilege about his work. I am not going to go into details to explain my thoughts on this. It is more of an intuitive hunch and nothing I dare to dissect right now.

It was a last minute decission for me to visit his newest installation titled, "Playing the Building." I was more fascinated with the space than David's concept and piece. He had an old piano rigged with some wires that would set of air compressed dings and small engine noises as well as some soft whistles. These noises were spread throught the large space that once was the Brooklyn ferry terminal before the Brooklyn Bridge was built.

Too bad for Mr. David Byrne that the building was much more grand and interesting than his concept and not so fun to play piano. I think it needed more sounds or at least more depth to the sounds.

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